Why I Quietly Hid My YouTube Channels

Earlier this year, I quietly hid my YouTube channels (most of BuckHollywood and all of peron75).

For years I have said how I used to make offensive jokes back in the day. I also did lots of slut shaming under the guise of “comedy”. From my videos with Ryan Higa to my Stop Being a Whore campaign! -OMG! - much of my content would be very problematic now. Surely it was at the time but I was not focused on that. I just thought I was being hilarious! And I made gay jokes too!!! So I felt like I was an equal opportunity offender. Silly me.

I am sorry. I know better and do better in 2020.

I have made videos talking about this and how I have grown and evolved as a person. I always felt like I was “in character” and relied on saying “shocking” things to get views and have clever video titles.

As I started watching old videos this year - I was amused by most of it and know I was well intended but I thought “What if some kid (or anyone new) stumbles upon this in 2025?”

I didn’t want to leave it out there.

It felt irresponsible.

I retired from YouTube in 2016 and while it was my “home” for 10 years - it felt like I had moved out of my house and left it unattended for people to discover this old Michael Buckley - “What the Buck”, BuckHollywood from those early years.

No one has said anything. No one has emailed me, called me out or advised me to do this. I have never gotten an email or a tweet that said I was “problematic”.

This is just part of my own work on myself. 

I appreciate my attempts at “comedy” back in the day but I don’t need it sitting there living and breathing in 2020.

I would rather make a different first impression with the world than my “two girls one cup” reaction or making jokes about Miley Cyrus. Thank you for always love and supporting me! Onward we go - as people, as an internet culture, as a way bigger picture humanity! Love, Buck ❤️

PS - My Pull Shapes dancing video is still up to bring joy to the world! And I might repurpose my videos with new perspective some day but I remain happily out of the YouTuber game! XO

My Mission Statement

Covid - 19