America The Beautiful

I wrote this on my personal Facebook page and thought it would be useful to share here too.

It has been very challenging for someone like me to live in America the last 4 years. I love others unconditionally and I believe in the best of all of us. That has not changed.

I love you very much! Hugs before I start!

You did not see any posts on my Facebook saying what most gay people write on Facebook which is - "if you voted for Donald Trump I want nothing to do with you". That is not who I am in the world.

I never wanted to shame anyone into voting my way. And I don't think many people change their mind about something in the comment section of a Facebook post.

Do I hate you or think you are horrible? I do not.

Do I think you supported a racist, sexist, morally dismal, intellectually limited, dangerous, probably would be in jail if he was not in the White House candidate. I do.

And Pence was perhaps even more painful to have to look at knowing what he thinks/legislates about gay people.

And don't get me started on the misuse of Christianity from this entire administration.

Trump is a liar. He lied nonstop. And was mean. Truly mean. And never understood the job. He still doesn't understand. That is why he can't understand how he lost.

So to watch him flounder was horrifying.

I would see other nations looking at us like -huh?

This is your guy?

He made our allies our enemies and our enemies our allies.

Supporters said he was an outsider, rough around the edges, a successful business man- blah blah blah. They tried to make him make sense.

Oh and the Hunter Biden's laptop and Obama spied on him and Joe Biden sniffed that girls hair. You can't vote for that. Huh?

Trump also warned us about this last stunt. He suppressed votes and now is claiming voter fraud. He scripted this ending. He will say Biden is illegitimate president. That was always the plan.

Trump was never going to lead America.

This was a vanity project gone wrong.

He just wanted to be "liked".

He failed at COVID. He claims responsibility for jobs and an economy he inherited. He recklessly Re-Tweeted and supported conspiracy theories, he has no interest in science and I could go on and on. He know everything about wind?

Facebook was interesting this time around - watching people say things like "I am not into politics" or "let's get back to posting cat pictures".

I bit my tongue but wanted to write "how nice that you live in a world where you don't have to be into politics".

That was me - for many years - blissfully privileged and unaware the America around me that was suffering.

The last four years was never Democrats Vs Republicans (by the way Mr. Trump is not a Republican - he just saw that opening and took it). This was deeply personal.

So to watch people who support him confused by friendships and family relationships that were strained - it was hard for them to understand - how could I lose a family member over Donald Trump. But many of you did.

This was not a difference of "opinion" - this was a difference of character and values.

I am very relieved today. I feel a cloud has been lifted over America.

Donald Trump is a horrible human being.

Joe Biden is a decent human being.

The end.

We will be just fine!

I believe in the best of us regardless of who is President.

I like to tell people I cannot solve America. I cannot solve racism. But I can solve me. I can always be better. I will be better. I will pay attention. I will fight for the things I believe in.

We have much great work to do together.

Group Hug! Exhale!

We got this!

Love, Buck

PS - I am always open to discuss this stuff and have had AMAZING and heartfelt private conversations with Trump supporters so please message me privately if you want to talk!


5 Years of Not Drinking

My Mission Statement